We did not have much problems
with Tola staying with us in our home. She was quite helpful around the house,
relieving me of some of the domestic chores like cooking and doing the
The only issue I had with her
was her drinking. Tola loved to drink especially at weekends. On Saturday
evenings, she would send the maid for several bottles of her favourite alcoholic
drink and some roasted chicken from the roadside barbecue sellers.
Sometimes, she would go out with
a couple of friends of hers and get really drunk. Like what happened one
Saturday evening.
She had returned home from an
outing completely 'wasted'. Her friend had brought her home and she had fallen
asleep on the living room floor. With the help of the maid, I had taken her to
her room.
The following morning, she had
remained in her room for a while, nursing a nasty hangover.
"Why do you do this, Tola?"
I asked her when I took a glass of warm water and lime she had requested to
She drank some of the water,
grimaced and said:
"This is the only way to
drown my sorrows, to reduce the pain of my miserable existence."
"What are you talking
about?" I queried.
"Look at you. You are
happily married, with your beautiful children and live in your own home. And I?
I have nothing! My so called husband treats me like scum and beats me like a
dog. No children, no job, nothing! So, what do you expect me to do?" she
asked in a whining tone.
"That's no excuse for your
drinking so much. It won't solve your marital problems. In fact it might worsen
things as it could affect your health. You need to take it easy and stop this
behaviour," I said.
"I should take it easy, you
say. I've been here now for over six months and the stupid husband of mine has
not even called or asked after me! A man who nearly killed me with his iron
fists! What kind of man is that? Can your husband do that to you?" she
"I don't understand Tola at
all. How can a lady be drinking so much?" I grumbled to Brian later that
night as we prepared for bed.
"She's obviously having
emotional problems so she's taking solace in drink," he rationalized.
"I know she's having a
tough time in her marriage but the way she's acting is not helping matters.
Drinking can't solve the problem," I rejoined. "Maybe you should have
a word with her, that might help," I added as I laid on the bed.
Apart from her drinking problem,
I did not have any issues with her. Then one evening, I returned home earlier
than usual from work to see her and my dear husband in a tight embrace right
there in my living room...
Poor Anna. She thinks my
drinking is a problem? What will she say if she finds out that her darling
husband and I have been having an affair right under her nose? In her own home?
You might consider me an evil,
ungrateful person for sleeping with my friend's husband after all her kindness
to me. After all, she brought me into her home when I had no where to go and
with serious marital issues. Agreed.
But it was all Brian's fault. He
was the one who came after me, pestering me, declaring his love for me and all
that. Ok, ok. I know I should take some responsibility too as a 29-year old
adult. But I was helpless under the circumstances I was in then.
It all began with the incident
at the dinning table with his toes tracing my leg. When I called him on phone
the following day at work and confronted him about it, he confessed he was in
love with me.
"I've loved you for some time
now, even before you came to live with us. Seeing you so close now and unable
to be with you the way I want is driving me crazy," he said.
"Have you forgotten I'm
still married, that I have a husband? We haven't divorced," I pointed out.
"You call that idiot a
husband? You better divorce him before he kills you," said Brian.
"And what will I do? Become
a single lady again?"
"I love you, Tola. With me
here, you won't be alone. I'll always be here for you," he promised.
Ordinarily, I would not have
considered having anything to do with Brian, my friend's husband. But I was in
a fragile emotional state of mind due to my marital problems. And here was a
man who cared about me, was kind to me and promised to take care of me.
It took me a month to decide.
One day, I was in the living room alone watching a movie on TV when he came in.
I looked up at him.
"Alright," I said simply,
giving in.
He was ecstatic with joy.
"You don't know how happy you've made me! Thanks darling for accepting me.
You won't regret this," he said happily.
Then he hugged me tightly and
was about to kiss me when Anna walked in on us...
"What's going on
here?" I demanded, dropping my bag on the floor. I stood there looking at
them suspiciously. What was my best friend doing in my husband's arms?
They quickly disengaged on
hearing my voice.
Tola smiled broadly at me and
"Anna, you are back. Guess
what? I just got that contract from that company at Victoria Island! Brian was
just congratulating me!"
I relaxed then and smiled. I was
mistaken; it was not what I had been thinking.
"That's nice. I'm happy for
you," I said, going up to hug her. She had been on the said contract for
some months now and she had been facing some problems with it. I was glad she
had finally clicked it. It was a big contract and it would go a long way in
helping her start her life afresh.
"This calls for a
celebration," said Brian going to the fridge for some drinks.
Later, as we drank some
wine, I asked her:
"I thought you said the
company was considering giving the contract to someone else. What
She smiled happily and said:
"My sister, it's like a
miracle. A staff in the office of the manager in charge of the job had earlier
informed me that though my bid was the best, someone at the top wanted to
manipulate it so his relative could get it.
But the M.D found out at the
last minute and left specific instructions that I should do the job. So, here
we are!"
She looked the happiest I had
seen her in a long time.
'She deserves it. Tola has gone
through so much,' I thought.
Actually, I had won a contract
but it was not the reason I was in Brian's arms as you can see from my
narration earlier. We were celebrating the start of our affair.
Initially, Brian and I tried to
be discreet. Whenever he wanted, we would meet up at a hotel some distance away
from the house. From a couple of days a week, we started spending some weekends
He would cook up a story about
travelling out of town on official business and the unsuspecting Anna would
pack a bag for him, kiss him goodbye and wish him a safe trip.
"What will Anna do if she
finds out about us?" I asked one Friday evening at the hotel. I had
arrived before him and had taken a shower when he came.
"Mmm. You smell nice. What
perfume is that?" he asked as his lips nudged my neck, inhaling the
"It's a bath gel not a
perfume," I said. "You've not answered my question."
He shrugged.
"What will she do? Nothing.
You're my woman now, Tolani. Nothing or no one can change that. Even that crazy
husband of yours can't do anything about it," he stated firmly. I helped
slip off his shoes as he began to undress.
"Brian, she's my friend,
you know. Sometimes I feel guilty. Being with you, loving you..."
"Well, don't. We were meant
to be together. If the worse happens, I'll marry you as my second wife. After all,
this is Africa; a man can marry as many wives as he wants and can cater for. My
grandfather, for instance, had ten wives. I have the means to look after both
of you. If Anna has a problem with that, then too bad," he said.
Then drawing me close on the
bed, he added:
"Enough of all this talk! I
missed you, babe. I almost came to your room last night."
"What? Brian, you can't do
that! Anna might see you and..." I protested.
"Forget Anna. I want you so
bad, Tola. The more of you I have, the more I want. Hold me close Sweet and
just love me the special way you do..."
I held him tight in my arms and
as he made sweet love to me, all thoughts of Anna, guilt feelings, my crumbled
marriage and whatever, faded away...
To Be Continued...
What next? Will the secret
affair between Tola and Brian be exposed or not? Details coming soon!
Hope your day is going well. And
many thanks to all readers and visitors who stopped by my blog today. Cheers!
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