She's his wife but I'm his Woman (3)


Some weeks later, I had to travel to our Abuja office to relieve a staff who had gone for a short training course abroad. I was meant to stay for a month or so, but something came up and I ended up staying three months.

To look after my children and my home, I brought Kevwe, my niece, a student at the university who was stuck at home because of lecturers strike. I hoped she would help the maid look after my home as Tola would be busy executing her contract.



 Our affair progressed smoothly with Brian becoming more in love with me with each passing day.

 He wanted me all the time and it was almost becoming a problem as there was a limit to the number of business trips he could make, which was what he used as an excuse for his absences from home. He was not a travelling salesman after all but a company executive.

 I was also falling deeper too and I could not help but wonder what the future held for us, how things would pan out...

 "I want to rent an apartment for you," he announced one day. We were at the hotel where we had spent two days. It was time to return home.

 "An apartment? What for?" I queried. I was almost fully dressed but he still lay on the bed as if he was in no hurry to leave.

 "So we can have our own place. Meeting up at this hotel is not too convenient. With an apartment, I can come in anytime, stay longer. I want to spend more time with you," he stated. 

 I kind of liked the idea. I loved staying with Anna but a flat of my own would be wonderful. I would have a home again and not be squatting with a friend. 

 "Sounds good to me,"I said.
 "So, what part of the city would you like?" he asked, drawing me to the bed to sit by him.
 I thought for a minute.
 "Ikoyi will be fine. I like quiet places. No noisy areas for me."

 "You know how expensive rents in that part of the city are? We can't afford that for now," he reasoned.

 "What about Lekki?" I suggested.
 "Ok. Lekki then. I'll get an estate agent to see to it," he said. I got up to finish dressing but he drew me back.

 "And where do you think you're going, woman?" he asked.
 "We have to leave, Brian. It's about time you got dressed anyway," I said, pulling away. 
 He drew harder and I fell on top of him.

 "We still have over an hour before check out. Let's don't waste it," he said as he began to undress me...

 While the agent was looking for a suitable place for us, Anna travelled to Abuja for work. She stayed longer than planned and throughout the period of her stay, Brian and I grew closer.

 He was also more careless in keeping the relationship secret.

 Two days after Anna travelled, he called me one night from his bedroom to come over. 

 "I can't do that, Brian. That's your marital bed. It's not..."
 "You are my wife too. I only need to pay your dowry and you'll be all mine. And as your husband, I want you in my bed this night. No excuses!" he ordered.

 It was past eleven o'clock and Kevwe, Anna's niece that was staying with us, and the children were all asleep.

 I slipped a dressing gown over my nightie and left my bedroom downstairs for Brian's room.

 The room was in darkness save for the soft light from the bedside table.
 The bed was empty. I looked round the room, wondering where he had gone. Had he come to look for me or what, I wondered. Or was he in the bathroom?

 Then someone grabbed me by the waist from behind.
 "What took you so long?" said Brian, turning me round to face him.
 "God, you scared me!" I exclaimed.

 "Serves you right for keeping me waiting," he said chuckling. Then picking me up, took me to the bed.

 I cuddled up to him, my head on his shoulder and caressed his face, my finger tracing his lips. He took the finger in his mouth and sucked on it.

 "Hmm. It feels so nice being with you like this on my own bed instead of a hotel room," he intoned softly. Then climbing on top of me, he noted:

 "Soon, we'll be spending most of our nights together as a couple should do when the house is ready."
 "And what will be your excuse for spending so many nights away from home?" I asked.

 "We'll take care of that situation when we get there. Now, I want you. I love you and you mean the world to me."

 "I love you too, Brian," I said, cupping his face tenderly and giving him a deep kiss, my tongue slipping into his mouth, tasting, feeling and loving him...
After that, I slept most of the time in Brian's room. We were taking a risk but Brian did not seem to care. A couple of times, Kevwe had seen me exiting his bedroom very early in the morning and I wondered what she must be thinking. What I was doing in her aunty's bedroom with the husband...

 "We'll have to come out soon. We can't hide this forever, you know," he said one night in his room.

 It turned out the affair resulted in something I never dreamt of. Some weeks after Anna travelled, I fell ill. I kept feeling dizzy, nauseous and vomiting regularly. A worried Brian took me to the hospital and that was when I got the shock of my life...

 What's wrong with Tola? Find out in the concluding part of this story on Friday! Don't miss it!

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