The Old Flame (Finale) sneak preview

  Hi everyone!

   I just want to thank all you readers and visitors who have participated so far in our little quiz contest which will end this evening. If you've not sent in your answer, please do so before entries close at 6 pm today.

 To help you in making up your mind on Oluchi's choice, here's a little teaser of the finale of the story which will be posted tomorrow. Hope it doesn't confuse you more. Ha ha!

 Enjoy! And do have a blessed day!



  It had been cloudy all morning with a hint of rain in the air. But by noon, the clouds had cleared and the sun shone bright, casting dazzling shadows on the trees and plants in the vacant plot of land.

 Oluchi stood at her spot on the balcony in deep thought. Decision time had come and she could not avoid it anymore. She had been postponing making a choice but for how long? It was now or...

 Her phone rang.
 "How's my sweet Baby today?" said Eric.

 She smiled on hearing his voice. "Ok. I came to clear my head a bit outside on the balcony."

 "I'm coming over. Wait for me," he said.

 "No! I need a little space right now."

 "Is there a problem? Are you having second thoughts about us?" he asked quickly.
  She assured him it had nothing to do with that and they went on to speak about the outing they had planned for the weekend.

 She had not been truthful to him for she still worried if she had done the right thing accepting him back.

 A few of her friends she had discussed the issue with had warned her of the consequences.

 'Once a player, always a player,' Alero had said a few days before.

 Lola had been the only encouraging voice.

 "He said he has changed, Oluchi. So, give him a chance."

  Could she?
  She shook her head.

 One heart break was bad enough. She had a fragile heart and did not think she could survive a second.

 There was something she needed to do, to find out before taking a final decision. She dialed Bernard's number and waited for him to pick...

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