You might think I'm a weak man and an uncaring father for allowing my wife, Tolani to maltreat my son. It's not so. I had tried several times to stop her acts of wickedness against Akin.
On the other hand, I had reasoned that if she were his mother, would she not have the right to discipline him as she should? Besides, would she not feel slighted that I was trying to tell her how to run our home and sons?
So I looked the other way and that turned out to be a big mistake. Tolani became worse and more vicious.
She stopped giving my mother food and was starving my son as well. For his lunch box, instead of food, she would put only water! She took better care of her son and neglected mine.
In her silly mind, she thought all she had to do was make me happy by giving me food, sex, attention and neglect my son and mother and all would be well!
"You need to stop this bad behaviour of yours, Tolani. Akin is your son as well so treat him like one!" I admonished her.
Things came to a head one day when on returning from work one evening, I found my son at the gate of our compound, crying and looking distressed.
He told me he had not eaten all day except for the pap he took for breakfast before going to school.
"She said she doesn't have any food to give me that I should go ask my late mother for food," the boy said, sniffing.
I fumed with anger on hearing that. How dare she starve my child, I thought as I consoled him. There was worse. A kind neighbour, who had been preparing some food to give to Akin before my arrival, narrated to me how my mother went without food for two days because of Tolani.
"Your wife has been starving your son and mother for sometime now. Mama was reluctant to tell you for fear that it might cause problems between you and your wife. I planned doing so anyway as I can't bear to see such a young boy being maltreated," said my neighbour.
That was the last straw. That day, I decided I could not take anymore of Tolani's evil ways.
So, I quietly made my plans. I secretly got another accommodation on the outskirts of the city
I walked out of the disaster called my marriage and I'm happy I did. So is my son. Then, recently, I ran into Tolani again. I refused to give her my new address though I conceded and gave her my phone number.
It turned out to be a stupid move because she has not stopped calling me since then, begging to come back to me. I also heard she went to my mother's shop and has been pleading with her to beg me.
She said she had turned a new leaf, even claiming she's now born again. My mother has sworn never to have anything to do with her. I support my mother's stance because I know that woman is not for me, born again or not. She's evil. The Tolani I know can never change.
My fear though is that she might resort to fetish means to get me back. I'm aware of this because she confided in a mutual friend of ours that she would use any means within her power to win me back.
Going back to her could mean my death. Though, I still foolishly harbor some feelings for her, I know within me it's suicidal getting back with her.
I'm writing this so men can learn from my story. Don't get carried away by beauty as I did with Tolani as she's such a pretty lady. Looks are important but good character is priceless.
I hope I have taken the right decision or what do you think, dear readers?
The End!
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